Moved to New Website made by myself



Sep~Dec: My First Encounter to Programming

First encountered programming in a university lecture. Learned the basics of Python and used it to solve problems.



Jan~Feb: Web Development

Developed dynamic web for sharing images and videos, with PHP and mySQL using the Laravel framework. Live Chat with pusher, automatic email sending function using Mailgun, and a bulletin board function for posting comments and replies are included.


Mar: Worked on Developing Mobile Application

Used the Vue.js front end and the Laravel backend API to create an application for sharing posts made up of images and text. Applied the mobile-friendly Framework7 UI, but did not finish deploying it to mobile applications using PhoneGap.

coursera machine learning

Apr: Machine Learning

Attended ‘Machine Learning’ classes at Coursera taught by professor Andrew Ng of Stanford University. It is an online version of the Stanford lecture, which has been well-known for its best description of machine learning.

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coursera deeplearning certificate

May: Deep Learning

Attended ‘Deep Learning’ Specialization course taught by professor Andrew Ng at Coursera. Learned basic Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Sequence Models, and practical skills.

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applied data science with python

July~Aug: Data Science with Python

Attended ‘Applied Data Science with Python’ Specialization course taught by University of Michigan at Coursera. Learned to apply statistical, machine learning, information visualization, and text analysis techniques to gain new insight into their data.

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github page with jekyll

Aug: Opened This Blog

Opened this blog to keep track of what I learned about data science. Used ‘Github Pages’ for hosting and ‘jekyll’ for static website generating. Customized design based on ‘Minimal Mistakes’ theme. To write a post, used jupyter notebook, markdown and latex.

stock price

Sep~Nov: Worked on Predicting Stock Price with Deep Learning

Tried predicting stock prices. While doing this project, used data preprocessing, DNN, RNN, regularization, and machine learning workflows that I’ve learned previously. Tried classification and regression. Used tensorflow and Keras for framework.



Jan~: Working on Kaggle Competitions

Kaggle is a well-known community website for data scientists to compete in machine learning challenges. Started participating at Kaggle competitions. Learning many techniques from kaggle community.

Kaggle Profile


Sep~: Summarizing Papers

Started to read some papers that I come to face when solving Kaggle problems. Summarizing them to get a better understanding of the content.

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